» The Hamburg organist enthused with contemporary music. She really savoured the 'beautiful' passages - Kerstin Petersen played the organ with unrivalled liveliness and a willingness to take risks. «
» The Hamburg organist enthused with contemporary music. She really savoured the 'beautiful' passages - Kerstin Petersen played the organ with unrivalled liveliness and a willingness to take risks. «
Die Organistin Kerstin Petersen, Hamburg (Deutschland) ist mit internationalem Radius als Neue Musik-Interpretin unterwegs.
Ideenreich bringt sie das traditionsreiche Wind-Instrument mit aktuellen Themen in Berührung und erschließt ungeahnte Horizonte für die „Königin der Instrumente".
Kerstin Petersen, Hamburg (Germany) is an internationally interpreter of new organ music.
She brings the traditional wind instrument into contact with contemporary themes and opens up unimagined horizons for the "queen of instruments".
CHRISTUSKIRCHE Bahnhofstraße 2A, 25421 Pinneberg GERMANY
Sommer organ sounds ORGELMUSIK 5 NACH 12
Program organ music concertante: from Johann Ernst Bach to Margaretha Christina de Jong • Artist Kerstin Petersen on the Baumhoer-organ (2014) after the original organ by Ernst Röver (1896)
ST GEORG-BORGFELDE St. Georgs Kirchhof 19, 20099 Hamburg GERMANY
30-minute organ concert 'female composers' as part of the anniversary 100 years Koppel 66 of the GEDOK Hamburg • Program Ilse Fromm-Michaels, Ruth Schonthal, Siegrid Ernst a.o. • Artists Kerstin Petersen (organ), Nils Petersen (reading)
ST NICOLAI Am Mönchehof 231061 Alfeld / Leine GERMANY
Alfelder Orgelherbst JUBEL, KLAGE, WAGEMUT
Program organ meets literature: Alyssa Aska, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ruth Schonthal, Rikako Watanabe a.o. & texts by Rose Ausländer, Juliana von Norwich, Nils Petersen, Dylan Thomas • Artists Nils Petersen (author) and Kerstin Petersen on the Schaper/Bente-Organ (1862/2015)
forumJETZTmusik TonArt meets ORGAN
Program Improvisations for Digital and Pipe Organ & Ensemble • Artists Kerstin Petersen (organs) and Ensemble TonArt Hamburg
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
TANZ DER MORGENRÖTE - Soundscapes from America, Europe and Asia
Duo DRUMS & PIPES CONCERT as part of the Altona Diversity Week • Program Rikako Watanabe: Racines du vent (2024) a.o. • Artists Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Lin Chen (Perkussion) and Kerstin Petersen on the Beckerath organ
TOCCATA 1 - Duo DRUMS & PIPES in concert
Program William Albright, Alyssa Aska, Leander Kaiser, Rikako Watanabe a.o. • Artists Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Lin Chen (percussion) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
ORGELPARK Gerard Brandtstraat 26, 1054 JK Amsterdam NETHERLANDS
Program Alyssa Aska, Ana Szilágyi, Rikako Watanabe, Ruth Wiesenfeld a.o. • Artists DRUMS & PIPES & GONG: Lin Chen (percussion), Kerstin Petersen (organs) and Ada Namani (gong) with Ruth Wiesenfeld (reading)
CHRISTUSKIRCHE Bahnhofstraße 2A, 25421 Pinneberg GERMANY
Program Improvisation and compositions by Alyssa Aska, Arvo Pärt and Johann Sebastian Bach • Artist Duo Organ meets Gong: Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen on the Baumhoer-organ (2014) after the original organ by Ernst Röver (1896)
ST PANKRATIUS Alter Kirchendeich 8, 21037 Hamburg-Ochsenwerder GERMANY
Ensemble DRUMS & PIPES & GONG - Strong music by women
DAS SIGNAL - New music in the Hour of Church Music • Program new compositions by Alyssa Aska, Ruth Wiesenfeld, Rikako Watanabe, Ruth Schontal a.o. • Artists Drums & Pipes & Gong with Lin Chen (percussion), Kerstin Petersen (organ), Ada Namani (gong) and Nils Petersen (reading). This event is supported by ‘Kunsthimmel’ of the Nordkirche - thank you very much!
CHRISTIANSKIRCHE am Klopstockplatz, 22765 Hamburg-Ottensen GERMANY
forumJETZTmusik under the direction of Manfred Stahnke • Program Alyssa Aska, Ruth Schonthal, Ruth Wiesenfeld, J. S. Bach and Improvisation • Artists Duo ORGAN meets GONG: Ada Namani (gong), Kerstin Petersen (organ)
Background:: Bach's Sinfonia from the cantata BWV 107 ‘Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit’ (Actus tragicus) resonates with improvisations and works by Ruth Schonthal (1924-2006). They will also perform new compositions by Ruth Wiesenfeld (*1972) and Alyssa Aska (*1985), which were recently written for the duo. The breath and sounds of the organ and large sun gong merge in joint improvisations. Precious moments of calm, vitality and spirituality can be experienced.
KLOSTERKIRCHE ST MARIENBERG Klosterstraße 11, 38350 Helmstedt GERMANY
ÜBERGÄNGE - Ensemble L'ART POUR L'ART, Dominik Susteck and Kerstin Petersen
Opening concert Musik 21 Festival • Program a.o. Hans-Joachim Hespos: SNs (1975), Ana Szilágyi: Unity and Diversity for two organs (2020) and three world premieres by Eloain Lovis Hübner: masse und bewegung 7 (2024) for flute, clarinet, e-gitar, violin, cello, e-piano, 2 organs and chest organ, Yixie Shen: iceberg, floating, you (2024) for 2 organs, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, Sebastian Zaczek: nicht spurlos (2024) for two organs and ensemble • Artists Ensemble L'ART POUR L'ART, Dominik Susteck, Kerstin Petersen and Mathias Michaely on the organs of Furtwängler & Hammer organ (1900), Alfred Führer (1973) and the chest organ by Karl Schuke (1984)
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
NEUER KLANG! The special concert ORGAN AND VOICE
NEUER KLANG - Concert for soprano and organ with reading & moderation • Program Music by Ruth Wiesenfeld, Thea Musgrave, Siegrid Ernst, Johann Sebastian Bach a.o. • Artists Marcia Lemke-Kern (soprano), Ruth Wiesenfeld (reading / moderation) and Kerstin Petersen on the Beckerath organ
Luisenkirche Charlottenburg Gierkeplatz 4, 10585 Berlin GERMANY
Concert with rare repertoire and literature (in planning) • Program New Music voice, gong & organ • Artists Frauke Aulbert (soprano, experimental singing), Ada Namani (gong, snake-gong), Luisa Taraz (reading) and Kerstin Petersen on the Reil organ (2024)
MATTHÄUSKIRCHE WINTERHUDE Gottschedstraße 17, Ecke Krohnskamp, 22301 Hamburg GERMANY
Hamburger Schülerkonzerte: QUEEN OR FIGHTER? Experience what the organ can be!
A wonderful introduction to the world of organ music for pupils in grades 4 - 7: music and moderation • Program KÖNIGIN ODER KÄMPFERIN? Höre, was die Orgel alles kann! Eine wunderbare Einführung in die Welt der Orgelmusik für die Jahrgangsstufen 4 - 7: Musik und Moderation. Veranstalter: Landesmusikrat Hamburg. Tickets 5€ • Artists Kerstin Petersen (organ), Dr. Hannelore Kalwies (moderation)
GEDOK Atelier Lübeck, Germany
Artist in Residence
As part of a stipend from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, Kerstin Petersen is Artist in Residence at the GEDOK guest studio in Lübeck, Germany, from October - December 2024. A new organ composition will soon see the light of day :)
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
ORGAN meets GONG: Silent Melody - Stille Zeit im Advent
Meditation Concert with gong and organ • Program Advent music and improvisation • Artists Duo ORGAN meets GONG Ada Namani (Gong) and Kerstin Petersen on the Beckerath organ
CHRISTUSKIRCHE Bahnhofstraße 2A, 25421 Pinneberg GERMANY
Christmas service with festive music for VIOLIN and ORGAN
Program Duo works from baroque to modern • Artists Lisa Lammel (violin) and Kerstin Petersen on the Baumhoer-organ (2014) after the original organ by Ernst Röver (1896)
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
1st event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Stefan Pohlit jaʿǎqov [world premiere], Alyssa Aska im Wind, Ana Szilágyi Unity and Diversity and Frau im Wind, Thomas Beimel pastorale, Fabian Otten Sin, Ensemble-Improvisation
a.o. • Artists Irene Kurka (soprano), Wen-Ting Ho (cor anglais, oboe), Kerstin Petersen and Benjamin Saupe on positiv and Beckerath organ
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
2nd event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Stefan Pohlit jaʿǎqov, Alyssa Aska im Wind, Ana Szilágyi Unity and Diversity and Frau im Wind, Thomas Beimel pastorale, Fabian Otten Sin, Ensemble-Improvisation
a.o. • Artists Irene Kurka (soprano), Freya Linea Obijon (cor anglais, oboe), Kerstin Petersen and Benjamin Saupe on positiv and Beckerath organ
KULTURKIRCHE ST. PETRI Petrikirchhof 4 and DOM ZU LÜBECK Domkirchhof 23552 Lübeck GERMANY
MY LADY - Laboratory Organ Concert with world premiere
The GEDOK invites: Presentation Concert • Program MY LADY (2024), the new organ composition by Kerstin Petersen • Artist Kerstin Petersen
Part 1: 16:00 - 16:30 Kulturkirche St. Petri World premiere on the Paschen organ and artist dialogue
After a short walk:
Part 2: 16:45 - 17:15 Dom zu Lübeck Visit to the Marian altar with the Unicorn Hunt (1506) and listen to performance of ‘MY LADY’ on the Marcussen organ
Part 3: the GEDOK invites you to a reception in the office, Holstenstrasse 14-16, 23552 Lübeck. The GEDOK Schleswig-Holstein cordially invites you to encounter the historical work of art and listen to the organ sounds that Kerstin Petersen composed in winter 2024 as artist in residence in the GEDOK atelier as part of a stipend from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the State of Schleswig-Holstein.
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
3rd event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Alyssa Aska, Rikako Watanabe, Ruth Wiesenfeld, ensemble-improvisation
a.o. • Artists Lin Chen (percussion), Ada Namani (gong), Kerstin Petersen (organ) and Ruth Wiesenfeld (reading, moderation)
Christuskirche Werderplatz 16, 68161 Mannheim GERMANY
Presentation concert of the new CD
Concert series ORGEL:PUNKT:SECHS • Program Thea Musgrave, Alyssa Aska, Siegrid Ernst, Margaretha Christina de Jong, Rikako Watanabe u.a. • Artists Kerstin Petersen (organ), Johannes Matthias Michel (reading)
PAULUSKIRCHE ALTONA Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
Good Friday :: MUSIC for VIOLIN and ORGAN
Service at the hour of death Program Duo works from baroque to modern • Artists Lisa Lammel (violin) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
Chapel Wittdün Inselstraße 53, Wittdün Amrum GERMANY
ORGAN meets GONG in concert • Program (in planning) Music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Arvo Pärt and improvisation • Artists Duo Organ meets Gong: Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen on the Boogaard organ (1999)
CHRISTUSKIRCHE Bahnhofstraße 2A, 25421 Pinneberg GERMANY
Festive music for VIOLIN and ORGAN
130th anniversary of the Christuskirche Program Duo works from baroque to modern • Artists Lisa Lammel (violin) and Kerstin Petersen on the Baumhoer-organ (2014) after the original organ by Ernst Röver (1896)
Lutherkirche Wellingsbüttel Up de Worth 25, 22391 Hamburg GERMANY
Program Johann Sebastian Bach, Oxana Omelchuk, Ruta Paidere, Lina Tonia a.o. • Artists Duo A&O: Eva Zöllner (accordion) & Kerstin Petersen (Organ), Artistic Director of the concert series Orgelfrühling: Moritz Schott
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
4th event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Leni Alexander, Dimitri Terzakis, Thomas Beimel, Ruta Paidere, Klaus Lang a.o. & ensemble-improvisation • Artists Duo A&O: Eva Zöllner (accordion) and Kerstin Petersen (organ) with Frauke Aulbert (soprano, experimental singing)
HAUPTKIRCHE ST. JACOBI Jakobikirchhof 22, 20095 Hamburg GERMANY
Concert of Freie Akademie der Künste Hamburg {in planning} • Program Baroque masterpieces and compositions by Manfred Stahnke, Szigmond Szathmáry and Claus Bantzer dedicated to Hans Henny Jahnn and premiered 2022 in the concert of Freie Akademie der Künste Hamburg in cooperation with Hans-Henny-Jahnn-Stiftung, Literaturhaus Hamburg and the Evangelic-Lutheran Ansgar Church Langenhorn • Artists Gerhard Löffler, Szigmond Szathmáry, Claus Bantzer and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
Special concert of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! in co-operation with festival blurred edges {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Peter Ablinger Orgel und Weltempfänger (1999), Instrument & Voice, Nikolaus Gerszewski Postal piece #2: Tide for cello solo, Stop for organ solo (2025, premiere) , Alvin Lucier Glacier for cello solo, Petr Bakla Something with something else for cello • Artists Matthias Lorenz (violoncello) with Nikolaus Gerszewski (composition, electronic, voice) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
Petrus-Kirche Winfridweg 22, 22529 Hamburg GERMANY
India Week (in planning) ORGAN meets GONG in concert • Program Music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Alyssa Aska, Arvo Pärt and improvisation • Artists Duo Organ meets Gong: Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
ST. Marien Kurzer Kamp 2, 25451 Quickborn GERMANY
organ meets literature :: JUBEL, KLAGE, WAGEMUT
Program compositions by Alyssa Aska, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ruth Schonthal, Rikako Watanabe a.o. & texts by Rose Ausländer, Juliana von Norwich, Nils Petersen, Dylan Thomas • Artists Nils Petersen (reading, author) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
The second Crack - The aromatic sound of the coffee bean
Part of festival Altonale {in planning} • Program Aromatic coffee, spherical organ sounds and an exciting story combine to create an extraordinary concert programme with concert organist Kerstin Petersen and the Altona author Nils Petersen • Artists Nils Petersen (text, reading) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
KLOSTERKIRCHE ST MARIENBERG Klosterstraße 11, 38350 Helmstedt GERMANY
MY LADY - MARIENBERGER ORGELABEND - Solo Concert with Kerstin Petersen
“MY LADY - Old and new Organ Music by female composers“ • Program Alyssa Aska, Ana Szilágyi, Ruth Wiesenfeld a.o. • Artists Kerstin Petersen on the organs of Furtwängler & Hammer organ (1900), Alfred Führer (1973) and the chest organ by Karl Schuke (1984)
ST WOLFGANG Kirchgasse 7, 08289 Schneeberg GERMANY
ROOTS AND CHANGES - Duo A&O in concert
Orgelkonzert 2 (in planning) • Program New solo- and chambermusic by Ruta Paidere, Carsten Hennig, Knut Müller a.o. • Artists Duo A&O Eva Zöllner (accordion) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
Kirche der Stille Helenenstrasse 14A, 22765 Hamburg / GERMANY
ORGAN meets GONG in concert • Program Music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Alyssa Aska, Arvo Pärt and improvisation • Artists Duo Organ meets Gong: Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
HAUPTKIRCHE ST. NIKOLAI Harvestehuder Weg 118 20149 Hamburg GERMANY
Duo Drums & Pipes: TANZ DER MORGENRÖTE - Soundscapes from Europe and Asia
CONCERT as part of the Hamburger Orgelsommer • Program soundscapes for Chinese drums, marimba and 7000 pipes. Compositions by Rikako Watanabe: Racines du vent (2024) a.o. • Artists Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Lin Chen (Perkussion) and Kerstin Petersen on the Klais organ (2023)
Mainchurch ST. Michaelis Englische Planke 1, 20459 Hamburg GERMANY
ORGELPUNKT - Organ Concert
Old and new Organ Music by female composers • Program Alyssa Aska, Ana Szilágyi, Lotte Backes a.o. • Artists Kerstin Petersen on the organs of St. Michaelis
ATELIER HUGO KÖRTZINGER Am Markt 6, 29465 Schnega / Wendland Germany
STAR*SOUNDS / STERNEN*KLÄNGE - ORGAN meets GONG and Astro Landscapes
Werkstattkonzerte 2025 (in planning)
Program Alyssa Aska, Ruth Wiesenfeld and Improvisation with Astro Landscape projections • Artists Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen on the Atelier-Organ of Oscar Walcker restored in 2016 by the Christian Scheffler organ company, Helmut Schnieder (Astro Landscape photographer)
Marktkirche Pfarrer-Werner-Mörchen-Straße, 56564 Neuwied GERMANY
SEPTEMBERWIND - International Organ Weeks in the Marktkirche
Organ concert 1 • Program Ilse-Fromm-Michaels, Ana Szilágyi, Rikako Watanabe, Ruth Wiesenfeld, Ruth Zechlin • Artist on der Kleuker organ: Kerstin Petersen
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
5th event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Ami Maayani, Oskar Gottlieb Blarr, Ruth Wiesenfeld a.o. & ensemble-improvisation • Artists Marcia Lemke-Kern (soprano), Milena Hoge (harp), Kerstin Petersen and Eva-Maria Houben (organ, positiv, portativ)
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
6th event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Ami Maayani, Oskar Gottlieb Blarr, Ruth Wiesenfeld a.o. & ensemble-improvisation • Artists Marcia Lemke-Kern (soprano), Milena Hoge (harp), Kerstin Petersen and Eva-Maria Houben (organ, positiv, portativ)
ST. MARIEN-KIRCHE An der Marienkirche 6, 24768 Rendsburg GERMANY
NEW ORGAN: CONCERT for solo organ and choir with two organs
Presentation Concert of the new Späth-Organ (2025) {in planning} • Program Louis Vierne Messe solennelle op. 16 and solo compositions by Charles Gounod, Ruth Schonthal, Rikako Watanabe a.o. • Artists Choirs St. Marien: conductor Volker Linhardt, Constantin Alex and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
KARLSKIRCHE Karlsplatz, 34117 Kassel GERMANY
Concert for soprano, harp and organ with reading & moderation (in planning) • Program Jewish composers and ensemble improvisations • Artists Marcia Lemke-Kern (soprano), Milena Hoge (harp) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
A Cooperation of Evangelisches Forum Kassel, Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit Kassel, Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft AG Kassel, Sara Nussbaum Zentrum Kassel, VHS Region Kassel, Gegen Vergessen - Für Demokratie RAG Nordhessen-Südniedersachsen, Gedenkstätte Breitenau, Katholische Kirche in Kassel a.o.
CHRISTUSKIRCHE Bahnhofstraße 2A, 25421 Pinneberg GERMANY
Sommer organ sounds ORGELMUSIK 5 NACH 12
Program organ music concertante: from Johann Ernst Bach to Margaretha Christina de Jong • Artist Kerstin Petersen on the Baumhoer-organ (2014) after the original organ by Ernst Röver (1896)
ST GEORG-BORGFELDE St. Georgs Kirchhof 19, 20099 Hamburg GERMANY
30-minute organ concert 'female composers' as part of the anniversary 100 years Koppel 66 of the GEDOK Hamburg • Program Ilse Fromm-Michaels, Ruth Schonthal, Siegrid Ernst a.o. • Artists Kerstin Petersen (organ), Nils Petersen (reading)
ST NICOLAI Am Mönchehof 231061 Alfeld / Leine GERMANY
Alfelder Orgelherbst JUBEL, KLAGE, WAGEMUT
Program organ meets literature: Alyssa Aska, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ruth Schonthal, Rikako Watanabe a.o. & texts by Rose Ausländer, Juliana von Norwich, Nils Petersen, Dylan Thomas • Artists Nils Petersen (author) and Kerstin Petersen on the Schaper/Bente-Organ (1862/2015)
forumJETZTmusik TonArt meets ORGAN
Program Improvisations for Digital and Pipe Organ & Ensemble • Artists Kerstin Petersen (organs) and Ensemble TonArt Hamburg
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
TANZ DER MORGENRÖTE - Soundscapes from America, Europe and Asia
Duo DRUMS & PIPES CONCERT as part of the Altona Diversity Week • Program Rikako Watanabe: Racines du vent (2024) a.o. • Artists Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Lin Chen (Perkussion) and Kerstin Petersen on the Beckerath organ
TOCCATA 1 - Duo DRUMS & PIPES in concert
Program William Albright, Alyssa Aska, Leander Kaiser, Rikako Watanabe a.o. • Artists Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Lin Chen (percussion) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
ORGELPARK Gerard Brandtstraat 26, 1054 JK Amsterdam NETHERLANDS
Program Alyssa Aska, Ana Szilágyi, Rikako Watanabe, Ruth Wiesenfeld a.o. • Artists DRUMS & PIPES & GONG: Lin Chen (percussion), Kerstin Petersen (organs) and Ada Namani (gong) with Ruth Wiesenfeld (reading)
CHRISTUSKIRCHE Bahnhofstraße 2A, 25421 Pinneberg GERMANY
Program Improvisation and compositions by Alyssa Aska, Arvo Pärt and Johann Sebastian Bach • Artist Duo Organ meets Gong: Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen on the Baumhoer-organ (2014) after the original organ by Ernst Röver (1896)
ST PANKRATIUS Alter Kirchendeich 8, 21037 Hamburg-Ochsenwerder GERMANY
Ensemble DRUMS & PIPES & GONG - Strong music by women
DAS SIGNAL - New music in the Hour of Church Music • Program new compositions by Alyssa Aska, Ruth Wiesenfeld, Rikako Watanabe, Ruth Schontal a.o. • Artists Drums & Pipes & Gong with Lin Chen (percussion), Kerstin Petersen (organ), Ada Namani (gong) and Nils Petersen (reading). This event is supported by ‘Kunsthimmel’ of the Nordkirche - thank you very much!
CHRISTIANSKIRCHE am Klopstockplatz, 22765 Hamburg-Ottensen GERMANY
forumJETZTmusik under the direction of Manfred Stahnke • Program Alyssa Aska, Ruth Schonthal, Ruth Wiesenfeld, J. S. Bach and Improvisation • Artists Duo ORGAN meets GONG: Ada Namani (gong), Kerstin Petersen (organ)
Background:: Bach's Sinfonia from the cantata BWV 107 ‘Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit’ (Actus tragicus) resonates with improvisations and works by Ruth Schonthal (1924-2006). They will also perform new compositions by Ruth Wiesenfeld (*1972) and Alyssa Aska (*1985), which were recently written for the duo. The breath and sounds of the organ and large sun gong merge in joint improvisations. Precious moments of calm, vitality and spirituality can be experienced.
KLOSTERKIRCHE ST MARIENBERG Klosterstraße 11, 38350 Helmstedt GERMANY
ÜBERGÄNGE - Ensemble L'ART POUR L'ART, Dominik Susteck and Kerstin Petersen
Opening concert Musik 21 Festival • Program a.o. Hans-Joachim Hespos: SNs (1975), Ana Szilágyi: Unity and Diversity for two organs (2020) and three world premieres by Eloain Lovis Hübner: masse und bewegung 7 (2024) for flute, clarinet, e-gitar, violin, cello, e-piano, 2 organs and chest organ, Yixie Shen: iceberg, floating, you (2024) for 2 organs, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, Sebastian Zaczek: nicht spurlos (2024) for two organs and ensemble • Artists Ensemble L'ART POUR L'ART, Dominik Susteck, Kerstin Petersen and Mathias Michaely on the organs of Furtwängler & Hammer organ (1900), Alfred Führer (1973) and the chest organ by Karl Schuke (1984)
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
NEUER KLANG! The special concert ORGAN AND VOICE
NEUER KLANG - Concert for soprano and organ with reading & moderation • Program Music by Ruth Wiesenfeld, Thea Musgrave, Siegrid Ernst, Johann Sebastian Bach a.o. • Artists Marcia Lemke-Kern (soprano), Ruth Wiesenfeld (reading / moderation) and Kerstin Petersen on the Beckerath organ
Luisenkirche Charlottenburg Gierkeplatz 4, 10585 Berlin GERMANY
Concert with rare repertoire and literature (in planning) • Program New Music voice, gong & organ • Artists Frauke Aulbert (soprano, experimental singing), Ada Namani (gong, snake-gong), Luisa Taraz (reading) and Kerstin Petersen on the Reil organ (2024)
MATTHÄUSKIRCHE WINTERHUDE Gottschedstraße 17, Ecke Krohnskamp, 22301 Hamburg GERMANY
Hamburger Schülerkonzerte: QUEEN OR FIGHTER? Experience what the organ can be!
A wonderful introduction to the world of organ music for pupils in grades 4 - 7: music and moderation • Program KÖNIGIN ODER KÄMPFERIN? Höre, was die Orgel alles kann! Eine wunderbare Einführung in die Welt der Orgelmusik für die Jahrgangsstufen 4 - 7: Musik und Moderation. Veranstalter: Landesmusikrat Hamburg. Tickets 5€ • Artists Kerstin Petersen (organ), Dr. Hannelore Kalwies (moderation)
GEDOK Atelier Lübeck, Germany
Artist in Residence
As part of a stipend from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, Kerstin Petersen is Artist in Residence at the GEDOK guest studio in Lübeck, Germany, from October - December 2024. A new organ composition will soon see the light of day :)
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
ORGAN meets GONG: Silent Melody - Stille Zeit im Advent
Meditation Concert with gong and organ • Program Advent music and improvisation • Artists Duo ORGAN meets GONG Ada Namani (Gong) and Kerstin Petersen on the Beckerath organ
CHRISTUSKIRCHE Bahnhofstraße 2A, 25421 Pinneberg GERMANY
Christmas service with festive music for VIOLIN and ORGAN
Program Duo works from baroque to modern • Artists Lisa Lammel (violin) and Kerstin Petersen on the Baumhoer-organ (2014) after the original organ by Ernst Röver (1896)
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
1st event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Stefan Pohlit jaʿǎqov [world premiere], Alyssa Aska im Wind, Ana Szilágyi Unity and Diversity and Frau im Wind, Thomas Beimel pastorale, Fabian Otten Sin, Ensemble-Improvisation
a.o. • Artists Irene Kurka (soprano), Wen-Ting Ho (cor anglais, oboe), Kerstin Petersen and Benjamin Saupe on positiv and Beckerath organ
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
2nd event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Stefan Pohlit jaʿǎqov, Alyssa Aska im Wind, Ana Szilágyi Unity and Diversity and Frau im Wind, Thomas Beimel pastorale, Fabian Otten Sin, Ensemble-Improvisation
a.o. • Artists Irene Kurka (soprano), Freya Linea Obijon (cor anglais, oboe), Kerstin Petersen and Benjamin Saupe on positiv and Beckerath organ
KULTURKIRCHE ST. PETRI Petrikirchhof 4 and DOM ZU LÜBECK Domkirchhof 23552 Lübeck GERMANY
MY LADY - Laboratory Organ Concert with world premiere
The GEDOK invites: Presentation Concert • Program MY LADY (2024), the new organ composition by Kerstin Petersen • Artist Kerstin Petersen
Part 1: 16:00 - 16:30 Kulturkirche St. Petri World premiere on the Paschen organ and artist dialogue
After a short walk:
Part 2: 16:45 - 17:15 Dom zu Lübeck Visit to the Marian altar with the Unicorn Hunt (1506) and listen to performance of ‘MY LADY’ on the Marcussen organ
Part 3: the GEDOK invites you to a reception in the office, Holstenstrasse 14-16, 23552 Lübeck. The GEDOK Schleswig-Holstein cordially invites you to encounter the historical work of art and listen to the organ sounds that Kerstin Petersen composed in winter 2024 as artist in residence in the GEDOK atelier as part of a stipend from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the State of Schleswig-Holstein.
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
3rd event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Alyssa Aska, Rikako Watanabe, Ruth Wiesenfeld, ensemble-improvisation
a.o. • Artists Lin Chen (percussion), Ada Namani (gong), Kerstin Petersen (organ) and Ruth Wiesenfeld (reading, moderation)
Christuskirche Werderplatz 16, 68161 Mannheim GERMANY
Presentation concert of the new CD
Concert series ORGEL:PUNKT:SECHS • Program Thea Musgrave, Alyssa Aska, Siegrid Ernst, Margaretha Christina de Jong, Rikako Watanabe u.a. • Artists Kerstin Petersen (organ), Johannes Matthias Michel (reading)
PAULUSKIRCHE ALTONA Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
Good Friday :: MUSIC for VIOLIN and ORGAN
Service at the hour of death Program Duo works from baroque to modern • Artists Lisa Lammel (violin) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
Chapel Wittdün Inselstraße 53, Wittdün Amrum GERMANY
ORGAN meets GONG in concert • Program (in planning) Music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Arvo Pärt and improvisation • Artists Duo Organ meets Gong: Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen on the Boogaard organ (1999)
CHRISTUSKIRCHE Bahnhofstraße 2A, 25421 Pinneberg GERMANY
Festive music for VIOLIN and ORGAN
130th anniversary of the Christuskirche Program Duo works from baroque to modern • Artists Lisa Lammel (violin) and Kerstin Petersen on the Baumhoer-organ (2014) after the original organ by Ernst Röver (1896)
Lutherkirche Wellingsbüttel Up de Worth 25, 22391 Hamburg GERMANY
Program Johann Sebastian Bach, Oxana Omelchuk, Ruta Paidere, Lina Tonia a.o. • Artists Duo A&O: Eva Zöllner (accordion) & Kerstin Petersen (Organ), Artistic Director of the concert series Orgelfrühling: Moritz Schott
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
4th event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Leni Alexander, Dimitri Terzakis, Thomas Beimel, Ruta Paidere, Klaus Lang a.o. & ensemble-improvisation • Artists Duo A&O: Eva Zöllner (accordion) and Kerstin Petersen (organ) with Frauke Aulbert (soprano, experimental singing)
HAUPTKIRCHE ST. JACOBI Jakobikirchhof 22, 20095 Hamburg GERMANY
Concert of Freie Akademie der Künste Hamburg {in planning} • Program Baroque masterpieces and compositions by Manfred Stahnke, Szigmond Szathmáry and Claus Bantzer dedicated to Hans Henny Jahnn and premiered 2022 in the concert of Freie Akademie der Künste Hamburg in cooperation with Hans-Henny-Jahnn-Stiftung, Literaturhaus Hamburg and the Evangelic-Lutheran Ansgar Church Langenhorn • Artists Gerhard Löffler, Szigmond Szathmáry, Claus Bantzer and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
Special concert of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! in co-operation with festival blurred edges {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Peter Ablinger Orgel und Weltempfänger (1999), Instrument & Voice, Nikolaus Gerszewski Postal piece #2: Tide for cello solo, Stop for organ solo (2025, premiere) , Alvin Lucier Glacier for cello solo, Petr Bakla Something with something else for cello • Artists Matthias Lorenz (violoncello) with Nikolaus Gerszewski (composition, electronic, voice) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
Petrus-Kirche Winfridweg 22, 22529 Hamburg GERMANY
India Week (in planning) ORGAN meets GONG in concert • Program Music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Alyssa Aska, Arvo Pärt and improvisation • Artists Duo Organ meets Gong: Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
ST. Marien Kurzer Kamp 2, 25451 Quickborn GERMANY
organ meets literature :: JUBEL, KLAGE, WAGEMUT
Program compositions by Alyssa Aska, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ruth Schonthal, Rikako Watanabe a.o. & texts by Rose Ausländer, Juliana von Norwich, Nils Petersen, Dylan Thomas • Artists Nils Petersen (reading, author) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
The second Crack - The aromatic sound of the coffee bean
Part of festival Altonale {in planning} • Program Aromatic coffee, spherical organ sounds and an exciting story combine to create an extraordinary concert programme with concert organist Kerstin Petersen and the Altona author Nils Petersen • Artists Nils Petersen (text, reading) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
KLOSTERKIRCHE ST MARIENBERG Klosterstraße 11, 38350 Helmstedt GERMANY
MY LADY - MARIENBERGER ORGELABEND - Solo Concert with Kerstin Petersen
“MY LADY - Old and new Organ Music by female composers“ • Program Alyssa Aska, Ana Szilágyi, Ruth Wiesenfeld a.o. • Artists Kerstin Petersen on the organs of Furtwängler & Hammer organ (1900), Alfred Führer (1973) and the chest organ by Karl Schuke (1984)
ST WOLFGANG Kirchgasse 7, 08289 Schneeberg GERMANY
ROOTS AND CHANGES - Duo A&O in concert
Orgelkonzert 2 (in planning) • Program New solo- and chambermusic by Ruta Paidere, Carsten Hennig, Knut Müller a.o. • Artists Duo A&O Eva Zöllner (accordion) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
Kirche der Stille Helenenstrasse 14A, 22765 Hamburg / GERMANY
ORGAN meets GONG in concert • Program Music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Alyssa Aska, Arvo Pärt and improvisation • Artists Duo Organ meets Gong: Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
HAUPTKIRCHE ST. NIKOLAI Harvestehuder Weg 118 20149 Hamburg GERMANY
Duo Drums & Pipes: TANZ DER MORGENRÖTE - Soundscapes from Europe and Asia
CONCERT as part of the Hamburger Orgelsommer • Program soundscapes for Chinese drums, marimba and 7000 pipes. Compositions by Rikako Watanabe: Racines du vent (2024) a.o. • Artists Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Lin Chen (Perkussion) and Kerstin Petersen on the Klais organ (2023)
Mainchurch ST. Michaelis Englische Planke 1, 20459 Hamburg GERMANY
ORGELPUNKT - Organ Concert
Old and new Organ Music by female composers • Program Alyssa Aska, Ana Szilágyi, Lotte Backes a.o. • Artists Kerstin Petersen on the organs of St. Michaelis
ATELIER HUGO KÖRTZINGER Am Markt 6, 29465 Schnega / Wendland Germany
STAR*SOUNDS / STERNEN*KLÄNGE - ORGAN meets GONG and Astro Landscapes
Werkstattkonzerte 2025 (in planning)
Program Alyssa Aska, Ruth Wiesenfeld and Improvisation with Astro Landscape projections • Artists Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen on the Atelier-Organ of Oscar Walcker restored in 2016 by the Christian Scheffler organ company, Helmut Schnieder (Astro Landscape photographer)
Marktkirche Pfarrer-Werner-Mörchen-Straße, 56564 Neuwied GERMANY
SEPTEMBERWIND - International Organ Weeks in the Marktkirche
Organ concert 1 • Program Ilse-Fromm-Michaels, Ana Szilágyi, Rikako Watanabe, Ruth Wiesenfeld, Ruth Zechlin • Artist on der Kleuker organ: Kerstin Petersen
PAULUSKIRCHE Bei der Pauluskirche 2, 22769 Hamburg GERMANY
5th event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Ami Maayani, Oskar Gottlieb Blarr, Ruth Wiesenfeld a.o. & ensemble-improvisation • Artists Marcia Lemke-Kern (soprano), Milena Hoge (harp), Kerstin Petersen and Eva-Maria Houben (organ, positiv, portativ)
LUTHERKIRCHE Lutherhöhe 22-24, 22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld GERMANY
6th event of the new concert series: Auf der Zinne^ - neuer Klang! {in planning} • Program chamber music of today by Ami Maayani, Oskar Gottlieb Blarr, Ruth Wiesenfeld a.o. & ensemble-improvisation • Artists Marcia Lemke-Kern (soprano), Milena Hoge (harp), Kerstin Petersen and Eva-Maria Houben (organ, positiv, portativ)
ST. MARIEN-KIRCHE An der Marienkirche 6, 24768 Rendsburg GERMANY
NEW ORGAN: CONCERT for solo organ and choir with two organs
Presentation Concert of the new Späth-Organ (2025) {in planning} • Program Louis Vierne Messe solennelle op. 16 and solo compositions by Charles Gounod, Ruth Schonthal, Rikako Watanabe a.o. • Artists Choirs St. Marien: conductor Volker Linhardt, Constantin Alex and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
KARLSKIRCHE Karlsplatz, 34117 Kassel GERMANY
Concert for soprano, harp and organ with reading & moderation (in planning) • Program Jewish composers and ensemble improvisations • Artists Marcia Lemke-Kern (soprano), Milena Hoge (harp) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
A Cooperation of Evangelisches Forum Kassel, Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit Kassel, Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft AG Kassel, Sara Nussbaum Zentrum Kassel, VHS Region Kassel, Gegen Vergessen - Für Demokratie RAG Nordhessen-Südniedersachsen, Gedenkstätte Breitenau, Katholische Kirche in Kassel a.o.

Duo A&O
Neue Musik Interaktion
Kerstin Petersen ORGAN
The Duo A&O: INTERACTION #2 | ORGAN & AKKORDION Festival brandneu in St. Martin Kassel, Germany: “Probably the currently most renowned duo for organ and accordion“
Duo A&O presents MUSIC OF TODAY: Ruta Paidere, Oxana Omelchuk and Improvisation connected with Giovanni Gabrieli, Johann Sebastian Bach a.o.
YouTube: Oxana Omelchuk »Die Bäume wachsen in den Himmel nicht« • Duo A&O Eva Zöllner (accordion) & Kerstin Petersen (organ)
The Duo A&O: INTERACTION #2 | ORGAN & AKKORDION Festival brandneu in St. Martin Kassel, Germany: “Probably the currently most renowned duo for organ and accordion“
Duo A&O presents MUSIC OF TODAY: Ruta Paidere, Oxana Omelchuk and Improvisation connected with Giovanni Gabrieli, Johann Sebastian Bach a.o.
YouTube: Oxana Omelchuk »Die Bäume wachsen in den Himmel nicht« • Duo A&O Eva Zöllner (accordion) & Kerstin Petersen (organ)
The Duo A&O
Eva Zöllner and Kerstin Petersen have been performing as Duo A&O since 2009. In concert halls and churches they present the expressive, multi-coloured sound possibilities of their instruments and constantly initiate new compositions for their unique instrumentation. Their contemporary repertoire is impressive and diverse, allowing the two instruments to merge into one gigantic wind instrument.
In their concert ROOTS & CHANGES Duo A&O presents improvisations with accordion and hyper organ and compositions by Ruta Paidere, Oxana Omelchuk and Knut Müller, which were composed for the duo in recent years. The music is inspired by themes from Gabrieli and Mendelssohn Bartholdy "Lieder ohne Worte” - finely interwoven with jazz elements. “Sonata” by Thomas Beimel sounds in conjunction with the Molzer organ. This silent work consists of subtle gestures and overlays - inviting contemplative listening. In a contrasting, very powerful way the composition “und endlich der tanz” [and finally the dance] by Ruta Paidere reflects archaic Latvian musical traditions.
References: Akkordeon Akut Festival Halle, Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Herford und Leipzig, Sächsischer Musikbund, Symposium Kirchenmusik & Orgelakademie Stade, Festival Orfeo / Organeum, Orgelstadt Hamburg, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, Festival blurred edges, TONALi, forumJETZTmusik, Internationale Orgelakademie Göteborg, Kultursommer Rheinland-Pfalz, BRANDNEU europäisches Festival für neueste Orgelmusik 2022 in St. Martin Kassel, Orgelpark Amsterdam a.o.
Eva Zöllner, one of the most active accordionists of her generation, is dedicated to contemporary music. As internationally acclaimed soloist she appears in projects ranging from experimental solo performances to concerts with renowned ensembles all around the world. She has premiered more than 250 new works for her instrument. www.eva-zoellner.de
Organ soloist Kerstin Petersen performs internationally and offers innovative facets and playing techniques of the queen of instruments to the audience. Her main focus lies on new organ solo and chamber music, for which she collaborates closely with composers from all over the world.
Program example: ROOTS & CHANGES presented in Orgelpark Amsterdam 2023:
• Improvisation
• Oxana Omelchuk (*1975) ...die Bäume wachsen in den Himmel nicht… (2009) for accordion and organ commissioned by the Duo A&O for the Mendelssohn anniversary
• Improvisation
• Ruta Paidere (*1977) und endlich der tanz (2019/2021) for accordion an organ 1. Unablässig, wie ein Drehtanz 2. sehr rhythmisch, grob 3. elegant, mechanisch. quasi ein alter Hoftanz dedicated to the Duo A&O soundcloud „und endlich der Tanz“
• Thomas Beimel (1967-2016) Sonata communio (2007) for accordion and organpositiv
• Improvisation
• Knut Müller (*1963) NiN-LiL (2011) for accordion an organ inspired by Giovanni Gabrieli, Canzon Sol Sol La Sol Fa Mi a 8 - dedicated to the Duo A&O soundcloud "NiN-LiL“
📧 Further information, e.g. programme examples from J. S. Bach to Lina Tonia, can be sent to you - please feel very free to contact Kerstin Petersen by e-mail (see CONTACT). Booking enquiries can also be made via this e-path.
The Duo A&O
Eva Zöllner and Kerstin Petersen have been performing as Duo A&O since 2009. In concert halls and churches they present the expressive, multi-coloured sound possibilities of their instruments and constantly initiate new compositions for their unique instrumentation. Their contemporary repertoire is impressive and diverse, allowing the two instruments to merge into one gigantic wind instrument.
In their concert ROOTS & CHANGES Duo A&O presents improvisations with accordion and hyper organ and compositions by Ruta Paidere, Oxana Omelchuk and Knut Müller, which were composed for the duo in recent years. The music is inspired by themes from Gabrieli and Mendelssohn Bartholdy "Lieder ohne Worte” - finely interwoven with jazz elements. “Sonata” by Thomas Beimel sounds in conjunction with the Molzer organ. This silent work consists of subtle gestures and overlays - inviting contemplative listening. In a contrasting, very powerful way the composition “und endlich der tanz” [and finally the dance] by Ruta Paidere reflects archaic Latvian musical traditions.
References: Akkordeon Akut Festival Halle, Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Herford und Leipzig, Sächsischer Musikbund, Symposium Kirchenmusik & Orgelakademie Stade, Festival Orfeo / Organeum, Orgelstadt Hamburg, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, Festival blurred edges, TONALi, forumJETZTmusik, Internationale Orgelakademie Göteborg, Kultursommer Rheinland-Pfalz, BRANDNEU europäisches Festival für neueste Orgelmusik 2022 in St. Martin Kassel, Orgelpark Amsterdam a.o.
Eva Zöllner, one of the most active accordionists of her generation, is dedicated to contemporary music. As internationally acclaimed soloist she appears in projects ranging from experimental solo performances to concerts with renowned ensembles all around the world. She has premiered more than 250 new works for her instrument. www.eva-zoellner.de
Organ soloist Kerstin Petersen performs internationally and offers innovative facets and playing techniques of the queen of instruments to the audience. Her main focus lies on new organ solo and chamber music, for which she collaborates closely with composers from all over the world.
Program example: ROOTS & CHANGES presented in Orgelpark Amsterdam 2023:
• Improvisation
• Oxana Omelchuk (*1975) ...die Bäume wachsen in den Himmel nicht… (2009) for accordion and organ commissioned by the Duo A&O for the Mendelssohn anniversary
• Improvisation
• Ruta Paidere (*1977) und endlich der tanz (2019/2021) for accordion an organ 1. Unablässig, wie ein Drehtanz 2. sehr rhythmisch, grob 3. elegant, mechanisch. quasi ein alter Hoftanz dedicated to the Duo A&O soundcloud „und endlich der Tanz“
• Thomas Beimel (1967-2016) Sonata communio (2007) for accordion and organpositiv
• Improvisation
• Knut Müller (*1963) NiN-LiL (2011) for accordion an organ inspired by Giovanni Gabrieli, Canzon Sol Sol La Sol Fa Mi a 8 - dedicated to the Duo A&O soundcloud "NiN-LiL“
📧 Further information, e.g. programme examples from J. S. Bach to Lina Tonia, can be sent to you - please feel very free to contact Kerstin Petersen by e-mail (see CONTACT). Booking enquiries can also be made via this e-path.

Duo ORGAN meets GONG
Neue Musik Interaktion
Organ meets Gong
An exceptional duo: virtuoso organ sounds and trance-like sound instruments lead into a sound wave meditation.
Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen (organ) present musical improvisations and masterpieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, Arvo Pärt, Eva-Maria Houben as well as works recently composed for their duo Organ meets Gong - such as "Nebelkammern" by Ruth Wiesenfeld (Berlin) and "aufstieg.entspannung" by Alyssa Aska (Graz).
Recording of the live concert 13.06.2021 with duo ORGAN meets GONG: Ada Namani (gong) and Kerstin Petersen on the Woehl organ of St Paul's Church Fockbek / Schleswig Holstein.
The breath and sounds of the Woehl organ and the sun gong merge and melt together in improvisations. The Hamburg artists also present music by Arvo Pärt, Johann Sebastian Bach, Alyssa Aska and Paul Hofhaimer. Precious moments of calm, vitality and spirituality can be experienced...
The Hamburg Artists Ada Namani and Kerstin Petersen started working together as the duo Organ meets Gong in 2013. Their music brings together pipe organ and gong, both instruments that originate from ancient Eastern and Western traditions.
From powerful to quiet, sometimes melted, sometimes individual, the organ, gong, singing bowls and monochord complement each other to create a special kind of sound experience. These sounds get under your skin, uplift and resonate for a long time…
With meditative, classical and trance-like sounds, they transport the concert audience into a meditation of sound waves. Since 2022, they have also been presenting the gong for the first time in combination with contemporary organ music composed especially for their duo line-up.
The duo Organ meets Gong has been engaged by, among others, the Hauptkirche St. Petri Hamburg, Stiftskirche Kloster Loccum, St. Clemens Nebel / Amrum, Kirche der Stille Hamburg, Kulturkirche Köln, Altmünsterkirche Mainz, Kloster Hünfeld, Christinae Kyrka Göteborg SE, Oude Helenakerk Aalten and Orgelpark Amsterdam NL.
Ada Namani * Devinderjit (gong) leads gong trances, festivals and concerts and is a trainer for white sound gong meditation. For more than 20 years she has been working with sound instruments for deep meditation. Ada Namani also uses sound instruments therapeutically as a practitioner for psychotherapy. www.adanamani.de
Kerstin Petersen (organ) is a freelance concert organist. Her repertoire covers all eras and styles, including contemporary music. She performs as a soloist in churches and concert halls throughout Europe. She explores new facets and playing styles of the "queen of instruments", particularly in collaboration with composers of new music. www.kerstin-petersen.org
📧Further programme examples from the Middle Ages to contemporary music can be sent to you - please feel very free to contact Kerstin Petersen by e-mail (see CONTACT) - also for CD and booking enquiries.
The Hamburg Artists Ada Namani and Kerstin Petersen started working together as the duo Organ meets Gong in 2013. Their music brings together pipe organ and gong, both instruments that originate from ancient Eastern and Western traditions.
From powerful to quiet, sometimes melted, sometimes individual, the organ, gong, singing bowls and monochord complement each other to create a special kind of sound experience. These sounds get under your skin, uplift and resonate for a long time…
With meditative, classical and trance-like sounds, they transport the concert audience into a meditation of sound waves. Since 2022, they have also been presenting the gong for the first time in combination with contemporary organ music composed especially for their duo line-up.
The duo Organ meets Gong has been engaged by, among others, the Hauptkirche St. Petri Hamburg, Stiftskirche Kloster Loccum, St. Clemens Nebel / Amrum, Kirche der Stille Hamburg, Kulturkirche Köln, Altmünsterkirche Mainz, Kloster Hünfeld, Christinae Kyrka Göteborg SE, Oude Helenakerk Aalten and Orgelpark Amsterdam NL.
Ada Namani * Devinderjit (gong) leads gong trances, festivals and concerts and is a trainer for white sound gong meditation. For more than 20 years she has been working with sound instruments for deep meditation. Ada Namani also uses sound instruments therapeutically as a practitioner for psychotherapy. www.adanamani.de
Kerstin Petersen (organ) is a freelance concert organist. Her repertoire covers all eras and styles, including contemporary music. She performs as a soloist in churches and concert halls throughout Europe. She explores new facets and playing styles of the "queen of instruments", particularly in collaboration with composers of new music. www.kerstin-petersen.org
📧Further programme examples from the Middle Ages to contemporary music can be sent to you - please feel very free to contact Kerstin Petersen by e-mail (see CONTACT) - also for CD and booking enquiries.

Neue Musik Interaktion
The percussionist Lin Chen and the organist Kerstin Petersen combine playful lightness, virtuosity and an almost magical intensity of sound in their duo DRUMS & PIPES.
Founded in Hamburg in 2022, the duo moves between European and Asian musical styles and performs spectacular sound creations for percussion instruments and organ pipes. A special focus is on repertoire by female composers, newly written for the ensemble, e.g. as part of their ensemble sponsorship by Musikfonds e.V. The duo also performs rediscovered, rarely performed works.
Live Recording of Rikako Watanabe (*1964) Mikoshi (2023) pour orgue et percussion 1. Prelude pour Matsuri, 2. Cortège de Mikoshi
Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Lin Chen (Perkussion) and Kerstin Petersen (Orgel) from Festival Concert Altonale and blurred edges 18. June 2023 Lutherkirche Hamburg Bahrenfeld GERMANY
The percussionist Lin Chen and the organist Kerstin Petersen combine playful lightness, virtuosity and an almost magical intensity of sound in their duo DRUMS & PIPES.
Founded in Hamburg in 2022, the duo moves between European and Asian musical styles and performs spectacular sound creations for percussion instruments and organ pipes. A special focus is on repertoire by female composers, newly written for the ensemble, e.g. as part of their ensemble sponsorship by Musikfonds e.V. The duo also performs rediscovered, rarely performed works.
Live Recording of Rikako Watanabe (*1964) Mikoshi (2023) pour orgue et percussion 1. Prelude pour Matsuri, 2. Cortège de Mikoshi
Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Lin Chen (Perkussion) and Kerstin Petersen (Orgel) from Festival Concert Altonale and blurred edges 18. June 2023 Lutherkirche Hamburg Bahrenfeld GERMANY
Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Kerstin Petersen performs internationally as an organ soloist and is a source of ideas for innovative organ projects. Lin Chen's familiarity with the Chinese drum, marimba, log drum, singing bowls, gongs and Western ballet allows the rhythms of East and West to merge naturally.
A special focus is on repertoire by female composers, newly written for the ensemble, e.g. as part of their ensemble sponsorship by Musikfonds e.V.. The duo also performs rediscovered, rarely performed works.
DRUMS & PIPES likes combining performance, literature and new media in its concert programmes. As part of the Ensemble Scholarship of the Music Fund of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, several innovative compositions for percussion and organ have recently been created in co-creation with Ruth Wiesenfeld (Berlin) and Alyssa Aska (Graz). Rikako Watanabe (Tokyo / Paris) dedicated her work “Mikoshi” to Duo DRUMS & PIPES, which is inspired by the traditional music of her home country Japan. DRUMS & PIPES gave the world premiere on 16 June 2023 in the Dresden Frauenkirche in collaboration with the Staatsschauspiel Dresden.
In 2023, Duo DRUMS & PIPES also performed the experimental programme "Mikoshi boiling away" in Hamburg, invited by the blurred edges festival for contemporary music and in the main programme of the festival Altonale. In 2024, the duo is engaged by the Philharmonie Mercatorhalle Duisburg for the concert "Toccata 1", among others, as well as with the event "Das Signal" in collaboration with Ada Namani (Gong) by Orgelpark Amsterdam NL, where also their first album with label genuin is in preparation.
Program example:
DANCE OF THE DAWN - colourful soundscapes for Chinese drums, marimba and 2000 pipes
Duo DRUMS & PIPES - Lin Chen (percussion) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
• William Albright (1944 -1998) Fanfare / Echo for Organ solo [Organ Book Ill]
• Alyssa Aska (*1985) aufstieg.entspannung (2021) for percussion and organ dedicated to Duo Drums & Pipes
YouTube »aufstieg.entspannung« Duo DRUMS & PIPES
• William Albright (1944 -1998) Nocturne for Organ solo [Organ Book Ill]
• Leander Kaiser (*1961) Black Sphinx for marimba solo
• Improvisation percussion and organ
• Rikako Watanabe (*1964) Racines du vent / Wind Roots (2024) pour orgue et percussion: L'arbre sacré (The Sacred Tree), Et la Pluie pénètre la Terre (And the Rain Penetrates the Earth) and Danse de l'aube (Dance of the Dawn) Commissioned by Radio France premiere 04 April 2024
• Charles Hoag (1931-2018) The Kraken (2000) for Organ Pedals and Large Tam-Tam after the poem The Kraken (1830) by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)
• Rikako Watanabe (*1964) Mikoshi (2023) pour orgue et percussion: 1. Prelude pour Matsuri, 2. Cortège de Mikoshi dedicated to Duo Drums & Pipes
The renowned Hamburg duo DRUMS & PIPES presents a "firework display" of European, American and Asian music. The percussionist Lin Chen and concert organist Kerstin Petersen use Chinese drums, marimba and 2,000 organ pipes to showcase the diversity of their instruments.
The programme focuses on two works that were recently composed for Duo DRUMS & PIPES: "aufstieg.entspannung" by Alyssa Aska (Graz) - based on a spectral analysis of the gong - and "Mikoshi" by Rikako Watanabe (Paris) - inspired by the traditional Japanese music that is played during the procession of the summer Matsuri festivals.
Mikoshi is a portable replica of a Shinto shrine that can weigh up to a tonne! To give the bearers of this heavy sacred object strength, the procession is accompanied by small Japanese drums (Taïko) and energising calls: "Wa-Shoï! Wa-Shoï!" In the second part of the composition, the rhythm "dotted 8th-16th notes" is reminiscent of these Japanese drums.
Another work by the Japanese-French composer Rikako Watanabe is "Racines du vent" (Wind Roots), which was commissioned by Radio France in 2024. The movements are: L'arbre sacré (The Sacred Tree), Et la Pluie pénètre la Terre (And the Rain Penetrates the Earth) and Danse de l'aube (Dance of the Dawn).
The two performers also appear as soloists: Kerstin Petersen plays "Nocturne" and "Fanfare" by the American composer William Albright. His fanfare combines medieval motifs with lively jazz motifs in the full work of the organ. The Nocturne features delicate atmospheric sound gestures reminiscent of moths hovering almost silently in the twilight.
Lin Chen interprets "Black Sphinx" by Leander Kaiser. Sphinxes (guardians) are considered dangerous magical creatures with a lion's body, a human head and, depending on their gender, feathered wings. The black sphinx is said to have extraordinary intelligence and characteristics; it likes to pose almost unsolvable riddles and can bring misfortune or good fortune.
Chicago-born composer Charles Hoag makes "The Kraken", the mythical sea monster, rise in virtuoso sounds for solo organ pedal and tam-tam. The work is based on the poem The Kraken (1830) by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892). It begins with very low, barely audible frequencies and builds up to a thunderous frenzy in both instruments until the kraken sinks back into the abyssal sea...
A special highlight of the Duo DRUMS & PIPES programme is the improvisation, which naturally fuses the rhythms of East and West in the interplay between the percussion instruments and the majestic organ.
The artists: The percussionist Lin Chen performs with numerous ensembles and orchestras such as the International Mahler Orchestra in China, Japan, Hong Kong and the concert halls of major European cities. In Hamburg, she is celebrated as a performer at concerts organised by NDR, Opera Stabile's Black Box, the John Cage Festival and Klang Werk Tage. The exceptional artist has also performed in the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra's Stars of Tomorrow series at the Laeiszhalle under Muhai Tang. Lin Chen is currently performing as a soloist in Tan Dun's Water Concerto together with the Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra at the Philharmonie Mercatorhalle Duisburg under Axel Kober and in numerous concerts at the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie. www.lin-chen-percussion.com
The Organist Kerstin Petersen performs internationally as a soloist. Her focus is on organ music in unusual constellations, which she initiates and performs in collaboration with composers from all over the world. She has received concert invitations from the Hauptkirche St. Nikolai Hamburg, TONALi, frequenz_, Festival BRANDNEU, International Organ Academy Gothenburg, Orgelpark Amsterdam, among others. Kerstin Petersen is also active as an editor of new organ works and as an idea generator and artistic director of innovative concert projects, for example she realised Nur einmal glücklich sein - Orgelmusik von Komponistinnen. In 2024, she is involved as a performer at the opening concert of the Musik 21 Festival and as a juror for the composition competition. www.kerstin-petersen.org
📧Further programme examples from William Albright to the latest contemporary music can be sent to you - please feel very free to contact Kerstin Petersen by e-mail (see CONTACT).
Also see PDF in GERMAN with Posters
Duo DRUMS & PIPES: Kerstin Petersen performs internationally as an organ soloist and is a source of ideas for innovative organ projects. Lin Chen's familiarity with the Chinese drum, marimba, log drum, singing bowls, gongs and Western ballet allows the rhythms of East and West to merge naturally.
A special focus is on repertoire by female composers, newly written for the ensemble, e.g. as part of their ensemble sponsorship by Musikfonds e.V.. The duo also performs rediscovered, rarely performed works.
DRUMS & PIPES likes combining performance, literature and new media in its concert programmes. As part of the Ensemble Scholarship of the Music Fund of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, several innovative compositions for percussion and organ have recently been created in co-creation with Ruth Wiesenfeld (Berlin) and Alyssa Aska (Graz). Rikako Watanabe (Tokyo / Paris) dedicated her work “Mikoshi” to Duo DRUMS & PIPES, which is inspired by the traditional music of her home country Japan. DRUMS & PIPES gave the world premiere on 16 June 2023 in the Dresden Frauenkirche in collaboration with the Staatsschauspiel Dresden.
In 2023, Duo DRUMS & PIPES also performed the experimental programme "Mikoshi boiling away" in Hamburg, invited by the blurred edges festival for contemporary music and in the main programme of the festival Altonale. In 2024, the duo is engaged by the Philharmonie Mercatorhalle Duisburg for the concert "Toccata 1", among others, as well as with the event "Das Signal" in collaboration with Ada Namani (Gong) by Orgelpark Amsterdam NL, where also their first album with label genuin is in preparation.
Program example:
DANCE OF THE DAWN - colourful soundscapes for Chinese drums, marimba and 2000 pipes
Duo DRUMS & PIPES - Lin Chen (percussion) and Kerstin Petersen (organ)
• William Albright (1944 -1998) Fanfare / Echo for Organ solo [Organ Book Ill]
• Alyssa Aska (*1985) aufstieg.entspannung (2021) for percussion and organ dedicated to Duo Drums & Pipes
YouTube »aufstieg.entspannung« Duo DRUMS & PIPES
• William Albright (1944 -1998) Nocturne for Organ solo [Organ Book Ill]
• Leander Kaiser (*1961) Black Sphinx for marimba solo
• Improvisation percussion and organ
• Rikako Watanabe (*1964) Racines du vent / Wind Roots (2024) pour orgue et percussion: L'arbre sacré (The Sacred Tree), Et la Pluie pénètre la Terre (And the Rain Penetrates the Earth) and Danse de l'aube (Dance of the Dawn) Commissioned by Radio France premiere 04 April 2024
• Charles Hoag (1931-2018) The Kraken (2000) for Organ Pedals and Large Tam-Tam after the poem The Kraken (1830) by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)
• Rikako Watanabe (*1964) Mikoshi (2023) pour orgue et percussion: 1. Prelude pour Matsuri, 2. Cortège de Mikoshi dedicated to Duo Drums & Pipes
The renowned Hamburg duo DRUMS & PIPES presents a "firework display" of European, American and Asian music. The percussionist Lin Chen and concert organist Kerstin Petersen use Chinese drums, marimba and 2,000 organ pipes to showcase the diversity of their instruments.
The programme focuses on two works that were recently composed for Duo DRUMS & PIPES: "aufstieg.entspannung" by Alyssa Aska (Graz) - based on a spectral analysis of the gong - and "Mikoshi" by Rikako Watanabe (Paris) - inspired by the traditional Japanese music that is played during the procession of the summer Matsuri festivals.
Mikoshi is a portable replica of a Shinto shrine that can weigh up to a tonne! To give the bearers of this heavy sacred object strength, the procession is accompanied by small Japanese drums (Taïko) and energising calls: "Wa-Shoï! Wa-Shoï!" In the second part of the composition, the rhythm "dotted 8th-16th notes" is reminiscent of these Japanese drums.
Another work by the Japanese-French composer Rikako Watanabe is "Racines du vent" (Wind Roots), which was commissioned by Radio France in 2024. The movements are: L'arbre sacré (The Sacred Tree), Et la Pluie pénètre la Terre (And the Rain Penetrates the Earth) and Danse de l'aube (Dance of the Dawn).
The two performers also appear as soloists: Kerstin Petersen plays "Nocturne" and "Fanfare" by the American composer William Albright. His fanfare combines medieval motifs with lively jazz motifs in the full work of the organ. The Nocturne features delicate atmospheric sound gestures reminiscent of moths hovering almost silently in the twilight.
Lin Chen interprets "Black Sphinx" by Leander Kaiser. Sphinxes (guardians) are considered dangerous magical creatures with a lion's body, a human head and, depending on their gender, feathered wings. The black sphinx is said to have extraordinary intelligence and characteristics; it likes to pose almost unsolvable riddles and can bring misfortune or good fortune.
Chicago-born composer Charles Hoag makes "The Kraken", the mythical sea monster, rise in virtuoso sounds for solo organ pedal and tam-tam. The work is based on the poem The Kraken (1830) by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892). It begins with very low, barely audible frequencies and builds up to a thunderous frenzy in both instruments until the kraken sinks back into the abyssal sea...
A special highlight of the Duo DRUMS & PIPES programme is the improvisation, which naturally fuses the rhythms of East and West in the interplay between the percussion instruments and the majestic organ.
The artists: The percussionist Lin Chen performs with numerous ensembles and orchestras such as the International Mahler Orchestra in China, Japan, Hong Kong and the concert halls of major European cities. In Hamburg, she is celebrated as a performer at concerts organised by NDR, Opera Stabile's Black Box, the John Cage Festival and Klang Werk Tage. The exceptional artist has also performed in the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra's Stars of Tomorrow series at the Laeiszhalle under Muhai Tang. Lin Chen is currently performing as a soloist in Tan Dun's Water Concerto together with the Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra at the Philharmonie Mercatorhalle Duisburg under Axel Kober and in numerous concerts at the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie. www.lin-chen-percussion.com
The Organist Kerstin Petersen performs internationally as a soloist. Her focus is on organ music in unusual constellations, which she initiates and performs in collaboration with composers from all over the world. She has received concert invitations from the Hauptkirche St. Nikolai Hamburg, TONALi, frequenz_, Festival BRANDNEU, International Organ Academy Gothenburg, Orgelpark Amsterdam, among others. Kerstin Petersen is also active as an editor of new organ works and as an idea generator and artistic director of innovative concert projects, for example she realised Nur einmal glücklich sein - Orgelmusik von Komponistinnen. In 2024, she is involved as a performer at the opening concert of the Musik 21 Festival and as a juror for the composition competition. www.kerstin-petersen.org
📧Further programme examples from William Albright to the latest contemporary music can be sent to you - please feel very free to contact Kerstin Petersen by e-mail (see CONTACT).
Also see PDF in GERMAN with Posters
» Kerstin Petersen succeeds in capturing the spirit of the works. In the solidity of a magnificent interpretation, the full power and grandeur of the creations comes into its own. «